Posturity for Security Leadership Teams
Are your security tools up and running where you expect?
Security leadership struggles to confidently and quickly answer this question. Learn how Posturity answers this question and more
Why Posturity for security leadership?
Posturity delivers management level oversight of the foundation of your cybersecurity program- the tools delivering your defense.
With the majority of cyber attacks occurring at the end-point due to missing or poorly configured security tools the most critical thing for security leadership to get right is making sure the technology they are relying on is actually installed and running where it should be. Posturity helps you get the right tools, in the right place, faster.
Cybersecurity technology policy management
Establish and automate technology standards enforcement
Security managers struggle in keeping an up-to-date, accurate, and effective set of technology policies within highly dynamic environments. Posturity enables security teams to select the best tools for the job, communicate it as targeted actions, and monitor its effectiveness for continuous improvement.
Tool compliance management
Compliance monitoring and reporting
Responding to internal, industry, and even software vendor audits is a time-consuming and costly. Posturity greatly reduces the cost and time of these audits by providing you an up-to-date and accurate view of your security technology compliance and the prioritized actions to best fill any gaps.
Tool performance management
Performance monitoring and reporting
Once a tool is acquired it can be very difficult to track its actual performance in your environment. Posturity addresses this blind spot by monitoring its utilization, availability, and its inherent MITRE and NIST protection capabilities compared to other categories of tools in your stack. With this visibility teams can make data driven decisions on policy changes or consolidation actions.
Tool consolidation
Consolidation and rationalization
Security leadership is increasingly under pressure to consolidate and rationalize their tool set. Whether in response to budget cuts or organizational changes it can be complex, political, and time consuming. Posturity addresses these challenges by providing an unbiased view of which tools exists on which devices, how well are they performing and their relative protection and compliance value. A new future state tool stack can be designed and tested to support strategy decisions.